Minggu, 17 November 2019

Keys to Supporting Good Education

Here is a review of the Keys to Supporting Good Education, which you can make a reference for learning.  Please pay attention!
The school has provided a range of materials to educate a child to adulthood including his development.  However, the responsibility of education is not solely the responsibility of schools. The key to good education is the involvement of adults, ie caring parents.  If parents are directly involved in the education of children in school, then the child's achievement will increase.
Every student who excels and succeeds in completing education with good results always has parents who are always supportive.  What can parents do for their children after they enter school?
Here are some things that parents need to do so that their children can perform at school :
1.      Parent Support
Parents should pay attention to their children and instill in them the value and purpose of education.  They also try to find out the development of their children in school.  The trick is to visit the school to see the situation and educational environment in the school.  Put an interest in school activities will directly affect your child's education.
2.      Cooperation with Teachers
Usually when serious problems arise, then several parents contact their children's teacher.  Instead, parents need to get to know the teachers at school and have a good relationship with them.  Communicate with the teacher for your child's development.  The teacher also needs to be told that you see your child's education in school as part of his life.  This will make the teacher pay more attention to your child.  Attend a meeting of parents and teachers organized by the school.  At this meeting, you have the opportunity to find out your child's academic achievements and your child's development at school.  If a teacher says something bad about your child, listen to the teacher respectfully, and investigate what he says.  You can also ask teachers at school about the achievements, attitudes, and presence of children at school.  If a child is often two-faced, then the explanation from the teacher may reveal the things your child is hiding when being nice at home.
3.       Make time for children
Always provide enough time for your child.  If children come home from school, they are generally quite stressed by the burden of homework, tests, and other problems.  It is ideal if parents, for example, a mother is at home when the children are at home.  A child will be happy to tell stories when they come home from school while issuing all complaints and burdens to the parents.  It may be that they began to tell their naughty friends who started offering cigarettes and drugs.  You can respond immediately to this if you make time for your children
4.      Supervise learning activities at home
Show that you are interested in your child's education.  Make sure your children have done their homework.  Require yourself to learn something with your children.  Read with them.  Don't forget to schedule time every day to check your child's homework.  Control the time watching TV, the Internet and playing games from your children.
5.      Teach responsibility
Schools generally will provide many tasks for children to prepare at home and at school.  Are they doing the tasks correctly and well?  A child can be responsible for doing their work at school if you have taught them to do their responsibilities at home.  Try to start giving your child regular daily chores like cleaning his own bed according to a specific schedule.  Such home training will require a lot of effort on your part because it needs to be monitored.  But that will teach your child the sense of responsibility they need to succeed at school and later in life.
6.      Discipline
Execute discipline firmly but lovingly.  If you always obey the wishes of children, then they will be spoiled and irresponsible.  Other problems can arise if you spoil your child too much like teenage sex, drugs, poor performance, and other problems.
7.        Health
Take care of your child's health so that his learning achievement is not disrupted.  Create an adequate sleep schedule for your child.  Children who are tired cannot learn well.  Then avoid foods like junk food, because in addition to causing the problem of obesity, it also has a bad effect on its ability to concentrate.
8.       Be a best friend
Be the best friend of your child.  Take the time to share things with them.  A child needs all the mature friends he can get.  As a parent, you can avoid many problems and worries about your child's education by remembering that successful cooperation is built on good communication.  Good collaboration with educators at school can also help protect your child.

1 komentar:

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