Minggu, 17 November 2019

"The State Of Education Today"

   Education is not all about learning and getting good grades.  This is really a means to discover new things that we do not know and increase our knowledge. Educated people have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong or good and evil.  This is the primary responsibility of the community to educate its citizens.

   The focus must be on women's education because a woman's knowledge and empowerment can bring change in the family and even society as a whole.  Are uneducated and illiterate people who think that women have no right to education.
            A person becomes perfect with education because he not only gets something from it, but also contributes to the growth of a nation. We must realize the importance of education.  We must try to ensure that every citizen of our nation is educated and independent.
Education has great role in the people's life.It is like a son for a mother and father.If we have education we will make the country more developed which will be profit for whole nation.But with the education we should also take care of our health.We should be physically fit.We should take proper diet . Government should take steps to stop unemployment in the nation or in the world.

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